
Showing posts from June, 2022

A Teacher’s Slightly Outrageous Wish List for Teacher Appreciation Day

Dear Parents, With Teacher Appreciation Day upon us and the end of the school year just around the corner, I thought I’d make your job a little easier by sending home a wish list—just in case you get the urge to shower me with gifts I  actually  want. If each family takes a couple, we’ll have this list checked off in no time! Fresh-cut flowers—along with your promise to return next week to toss out the wilted blooms and clean the gunk out of my vase. A platter of baked goods that are simultaneously delicious and healthy. A Rosetta Stone so I can decipher your child’s scribbly handwriting. A color printer with gallons of ink and towers of paper. Noise-cancelling windows so I don’t have to lose my voice speaking over the din of traffic, construction and sirens. A parking spot directly in front of the school building and valet to handle the parallel parking. An assistant to grade mountains of student work, refresh my bulletin b...