Kids + Grocery Shopping = Engaged Minds
Kids are natural scientists, constantly exploring the world. One of the greatest gifts a parent can give these budding brains is the vocabulary they need to make sense of their surroundings. Exposing children, babies included, to as many words as possible is a great way to boost their academic success later in life. But it’s easy to let the busyness of life get in the way. Thankfully, language exposure doesn’t have to be relegated to specific “learning time.” Learning, especially for these little sponges we call kids, happens 24/7. And so, it seems, does grocery shopping. (How are we already out of milk? Who finished that jar of peanut butter?) At least three times a week I walk a block to the corner store and load the stroller with supplies to feed my family of six. Sometimes I dash in without kids, but normally I have at least one of my four children tagging along. Instead of seeing this as a burden, I look for ways to use our shopping excursions as an avenue of learning...